Glossary Term: Defined Terms

Mature Case Experience

Mature Case Experience indicates cases that have a termination date provided by PACER, EDIS, or PTABE2E and contain at least one Milestone.

Milestone or Litigation Milestone

A Milestone (sometimes referred to as a Litigation Milestone) is a stage of the litigation process such as claim construction, summary judgment, entry of a damage award or injunction, trial, etc. Each Milestone is defined as the filing of one or more of a group of documents related to that [...]

Non-merits Dismissal

Non-merits Dismissal indicates a dismissal on procedural grounds without addressing the merits.  Common examples include Rule 12 motions, default, failure to prosecute, or terminating sanctions.

Party Outcome

Like Case Outcomes, Party Outcomes are based on Accusation Outcomes. Once all of the Accusations in a case are resolved, Accusation Outcomes can be applied. Docket Navigator then categorizes that Party Outcome into five classifications based on the mix of Accusation Outcomes associated with that party in those Cases. If [...]

Patent Case

Patent Case means (i) a federal civil action in a U.S. district court or the Court of Federal Claims addressing the infringement, validity or enforceability of a U.S. patent flagged with Nature of Suit ("NOS") 830 in the PACER system as well as other cases that are known to meet [...]

Patent Case

Patent Case means (i) a federal civil action in a U.S. district court or the Court of Federal Claims addressing the infringement, validity or enforceability of a U.S. patent flagged with Nature of Suit ("NOS") 830 in the PACER system as well as other cases that are known to meet [...]

Patent Challenger

A Patent Challenger (sometimes referred to as an accused infringer) is a litigant in a Patent Case who is accused of infringing a U.S. patent or who is challenging the infringement, validity or enforceability of a U.S. patent. In district court cases a Patent Challenger is usually a defendant, but [...]

Patent Classification

In 2013, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) began transitioning from the US Patent Classification (USPC) system to the Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) system. Prior to that time, U.S. patents included only USPC codes. In 2013 and 2014, U.S. patents were assigned both USPC and CPC codes. In 2015, [...]

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