TTAB Docket Report

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

The TTAB Docket Report provides a concise, daily summary of Final Decisions issued by the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board in Cancellation, Opposition, and Ex Parte Appeal proceedings.


The TTAB Docket Report provides a concise, daily summary of Final Decisions issued by the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board in Cancellation, Opposition, and Ex Parte Appeal proceedings. The TTAB Docket Report also provides daily updates on newly filed Cancellation, Opposition, Ex Parte Appeal and Concurrent Use proceedings as well as the TTAB decisions resolving each type of proceeding.

Decision Awareness

Our team of attorney editors carefully analyze every Final Decision issued by the TTAB and provide annotations with the Board’s key analysis when making determinations of trademark registrability. The Final Decisions are also tagged with granular legal issues from our detailed TTAB taxonomy to simplify legal research on the Board’s Final Decisions. The TTAB Docket Report also states the grounds upon which the Board is issuing a Final Decision.

Case Alerts

The TTAB Docket Report equips users with the ability to create Case Alerts for proceedings involving challenges to a registered mark, oppositions to a pending application, or appeals from the registration decision of an examining attorney at the USPTO. The TTAB Docket Report provides a concise daily list of new proceedings, which includes the parties, the challenged and cited marks, and the grounds upon which the marks are being challenged.

Registrability Determinations

A trademark determination is entered by our team of attorney editors when the Board issues a decision that affects the registrability of a trademark, including based upon a stipulation or agreement among the parties. In addition to Final Decisions, the TTAB Docket Report alerts users to every trademark registrability determination issued by the Board. By clicking through the number of determinations contained in the TTAB Docket Report, subscribers can access a pre-populated database search of the marks at issue, the corresponding registration or serial numbers, and the Board’s determination regarding the marks.

Last Updated: December 5, 2023