Cases by Year

Reading Time: 1 Minutes

View case filing activity by year for any set of selected criteria.


View case filing activity by year for any set of selected criteria. Use this tool to visualize litigation trends over time for a particular type of search filter, and answer questions like:

  • Has my corporation’s litigation activity suddenly peaked?
  • Does this law firm have experience bringing cases before the PTAB?
  • Is this attorney’s patent practice trending upward?

Accessing This Feature

From the Analytics Toolkit section of the main search page, select Cases by Year from Litigation Trends.

This feature is available in the following libraries:

Filter Descriptions


Narrow to results associated with the selected court. Use the drop-down arrow to limit to results associated with selected courts or lower courts.

Case Filing Date

By default, results include all data from January 1, 2008 to present. Input a new date range or select one of the Autofill options to limit the dates.

Result of Motion

Filter by the result of a motion (ex. Granted, Denied, Ruling Deferred).

Case Status

Limit to results associated with active or terminated cases.


Limit to results associated with a particular judge. Use the drop-down arrow to modify the judge filter and expand or narrow results.


Limit results to those associated with a selected firm. Use the drop-down arrow to browse other available firm filters.

Posture of Motion

Filter by a procedural status or process in effect when the motion was presented (ex. Motion by a Party, Sua Sponte, Motion to Vacate).

Type of Document

Filter by results involving a selected type of document (ex. Motion to Intervene, Motion to Lift Stay, PTAB Motion to Seal).

Legal Issue

Limit data to results involving substantive reasoning and analysis of a selected procedural or substantive legal concept (ex. Contributory Infringement, Fair Use, Capacity to Sue or be Sued).


Narrow to results involving a particular party. Use the checkbox to the right of a party to include the party’s affiliates. Use the drop-down arrow to browse other party filter options.

Document Filing Date

Limit results to those associated with documents filed within a selected date range. Input a new date range or select one of the Autofill options to limit the dates.

Case Termination Date

Limit to results associated with cases terminated within a selected date range. Input a new date range or select one of the Autofill options to limit the dates.

Case Age at Document Filing

Filter by cases with annotated documents filed within the selected case age range.

Case Age

Filter results by their association with cases of a specified age. Use the drop-down arrow to narrow the filter to case age from first filing.


Generate results involving a specific attorney. Use the drop-down arrow to view more attorney search options and filter results.

Case Numbers

Generate a list of results affiliated with the selected cases. Use the drop-down arrow to switch between case numbers and appeal case numbers.

Patent Library
Case Outcome

Limit data to cases with a specified outcome (ex. Settled, Pending, Patentee Won). Use the drop-down arrow and select to filter results by which party or firm had the specified outcome.

Patent Technologies

Select from the drop-down menu or begin typing to filter by specific patent technologies (ex. 1620 Organic Chemistry for all 1621-1629 or select just a daughter node like 1628).


Limit results to cases in which a selected remedy was awarded (ex. TRO, Expenses, Damages).


Search for results with a selected determination (ex. Infringed, Invalid, Damages Recoverable).

Patent Types

Select a patent type from the drop-down menu to filter to results associated with that type of patent (ex. Utility, Design, Plant).

Case Type

Filter results by a selected type of case (ex. Cases with Non-ANDA Pleadings, PTAB Inter Partes Review Cases)


Search and select a patent to limit to results involving that patent.

Copyright Library
Cases Involving Copyrighted Works

Limit to cases involving a specific Copyrighted work by inputting the Registration Number or Title/Description of the work. Use the drop-down arrow to narrow the results to cases involving only registered or unregistered copyrighted works.

Cases Involving Claims

Filter cases by the type of claim they involve, like a DMCA Violation, Infringement, Infringement via BitTorrent, or a VARA Violation.

Trademark Library
Cases Involving Trademarks

Limit to cases involving a specific trademark by inputting the Registration Number, Serial Number, or Title/Description of the Trademark. Use the drop-down arrow to narrow the results to cases involving only registered or unregistered Trademarks.

Cases Involving Claims

Filter cases by the type of claim they involve, like False Advertising, Infringement, or Dilution.

Last Updated: December 4, 2023