FAQ Categories: General

How can I share my work product with other users?

To share your search results with another user in your group, save your results first by clicking FILE/Save. Then copy your URL and send it to any member of your group. To share your search results with another user outside your group, save your results first (FILE/Save). Then click FILE/Share Binder. [...]

How can I find my saved searches?

All of you saved searches are stored in your Saved Binders. To get to your Saved Binders, click the Navigation Icon in the top right of the page, then click Saved Binders.

How can I save my results?

The colored circle near your Binder Name means you have unsaved changes. To save your results, click FILE/Save. This will save your results into your account on your Binder Wall. To get to your Saved Binders, click the Navigation Icon in the top right of the page, then click [...]

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