FAQ Categories: Patent

How can I add a new search to my binder?

Once you are in the binder you want to add a new search to, click Add New Tab located above the Table of Contents. This will show you all the possible search types that you can add to your binder. Select a search type, enter your filters and view your [...]

What are legal issues and when should I use them as a filter?

Legal Issues are tagged to rulings with discussions or substantive analysis by the court on a very specific topic or area of law. For example, if you wanted to find courts’ analysis of transfer of venue for convenience, you could search documents filtered by the Legal Issue “Transfer of Venue [...]

How can I search the text of a litigated patent’s title, claims or abstract?

Click Patents on the main Search page. Click the little arrow next to “Patent Text” to open the list of options. There you’ll see the options to choose for your text search. When viewing the resulting list of patents, click the “expand” icon to view the matching text snippets in the Title, Abstract, or [...]

What is a “posture of motion” filter and how is it useful?

Knowing what a “posture of motion” is and how it affects your search results is a game changer for any legal researcher. This knowledge is especially crucial when creating statistics, like in Motion Success charts. For example, if you create a chart that shows the grant rate of motions [...]

How can I upload a long list of parties as a filter?

You can upload a list of parties by clicking the little arrow at the top of the Parties box when running a Cases search. Once you click the arrow, you’ll be prompted to choose a file from your local drive to upload. You’ll see confirmation of how many parties were [...]

How can I download multiple PDFs in bulk?

Select the PDFs you wish to download by checking the small checkbox on the documents icon. Or select all PDFs by clicking the box at the top of the column. Click OPTIONS at the top of the results, then click Download. To get your Downloads page, click the Navigation Icon in the top right of [...]

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