Features & Improvements
- Add Judge and Court Rankings to Analytics Toolkit
- Add profile analytics for Firm, Judge, and Court Profiles to Copyright Library
- Add Motion Success to Copyright Library
Behind The Scenes
- Moved Motion Success to the Comparison Reports section
- Convert Key Players to new grid library
- View as search results query bugs
- Thumbnail support for special reports
- Send alert usage data to Heap
- Upgrade to React 18
- Upgrade lodash version
- Change how tab counts work
- TTAB attorney data scripts
- Add UPC cases
Behind The Scenes
- Entity Syncing API fixes to support pulling entire backlog of data
- include annotations in trade secret alerts
- support image_uri/description for publications
- pull more pleadings for TTAB attorneys
- binder/alert counts in heap data
- hide parallel relationships from graph page
- some server monitoring scrips
- add update time to attorney/firms in order to support the EntityAPI
- make usage job output more
- output less in get_certifications
- don’t run ptab parallelism on a case without patents
- remove sync files for servers that get changes directly from git now
- fix some left over CRLF files
- Fix email requesting group changes
- Stop sending CAFC test emails to Amy
- Fix change notifications for experts
- add extra documents folder to cloud sync (need to do something better here)

October 2, 2023
Features & Improvements
Trade Secret just got a power boost. Docket Navigator has enhanced our coverage of Trade Secret lawsuits to include summaries of the key documents, curated by attorneys. These summaries provide a detailed account of the underlying documents, so you can easily understand what happened, why it happened, and the decision’s potential impact on your clients. Find the new data in the Significant Decisions section of the Trade Secret Docket Report.
Behind The Scenes
- Entity syncing API for GxRs
- Add Heap iFrame tracker for production
- Initiate heap only after user log in
- TTAB user defaults

September 18, 2023
Features & Improvements
This release includes six new Analytics Toolkit pages:
- Four of these tools are bundled into the Judge Comparison Report and include:
- Overview with top stats and workload comparisons
- Rankings by number of cases, outcomes, and grant rates for motion to transfer venue
- Outcomes by case phase
- Motion Success by posture, type of document and legal issue
- The Firm Performance tool allows corporate and firm clients to pull win/loss statistics – dynamically comparing firms in litigation situations specific to the client’s needs. Learn more
- Docket Navigator’s PTAB Expert Rankings page allows users to view a list of experts appearing in PTAB cases on behalf of Patentees and Patent Challengers. Learn more
Behind The Scenes
- Fix text wrap
- Add condition for “Use Previous Search Results”
- Add new link to Rankings card
- Fix litigation history page
- change build process for webapp to deal with test plotly environment
- Direct links for various plotly tools
- Entity tagging API (beta)
- Update tests for stuck jobs
- Change local counsel exception list
- Change billing report page
August 30, 2023
Features & Improvements
- We are pleased to announce the addition of the Trademark Trial & Appeal Board to our Trademark Library. In the ever-evolving landscape of intellectual property law, having access to accurate and up-to-date trademark data is essential for making informed decisions. The TTAB Docket Report provides the ultimate resource for following the latest challenges to trademark registration, and Docket Navigator’s dynamic platform puts an extensive range of trademark-related information right at your fingertips. Learn More
- As the final piece of the Search Page Upgrade project, a new quick search bar was added to the top of the main search page. This search bar allows users to select the type of entity they are interested in researching and then select the specific entity from a dropdown list. At the moment, the search bar only supports single selections.
- We now support showing the number of results contained in each tab of the binder index. This release improves the performance of that feature.
Behind The Scenes
- Fix error on unlimited user page
- Fix error when copying tabs on binder
- Add “PTAB” before “Expert Rankings”
- PTAB Expert gating update
- Add event listener only if the dialog is open
- Fix the attorney litigation history page crashing
- Support TTAB determinations in alerts
- TTAB frontend, backend, and email finishing touches
- Add plotly testing url
- Update lower court appeals tabs to use plotly version
- Update Trademark court tree
- Include substituted outcomes in TTAB
- TTAB EXA case property updater for outcomes
- Add the ability to see party outcomes in district edit
- Court Comparison data validation
- Clean up firm/attorney search objects
- Patent profile no data text
- Make limited scope message cover up the number boxes in CAFC profile
August 10, 2023
Features & Improvements
- Added Court Comparison Experience
- Added Court Comparison Rankings
- Added Court Comparison Outcomes
- Added Court Comparison Motion Success
- Changed specific firm summary components when “Both” is selected to be all roles, not just patentee+patent challenger
Behind The Scenes
- Change TTAB email subject line
- Fix TTAB docket sheet link
- Fix TTAB determinations link
- Loop pulling TTAB file until it works
- Job to backfill 2022 TTAB cases
- Add TTAB outcome colors
- Fix broken document links in CAFC cellrenderer component
- Fixed a text issue in the patent summary where no-data messages would refer to “this case.”
- Fixed incorrect sorting in the omnibus motion success tab causing data to be wrong
- Fixed a click-to-search issue related to legal issues in omnibus motion success
- Addressed a data issue in federal circuit data
- Fixed an issue where no-data messages in the CAFC profile would fail to appear with certain combinations of missing/existing data
- Fixed a handful of scenarios where an error message would fire early because the page had not finished loading (there are many more of these still-unfixed)